The Story of the Aquamarine Rebrand

So, as you can see from our fabulous shiny new website, Aquamarine has been through a rebrand. Whether you’ve known us for a long time, a short time, or this is your first visit we wanted to share our story with you. The story of why we rebranded and what it all means.


Why We Rebranded

As some of you are all too aware, a rebrand is a risky endeavour and not something you embark on without thinking about it thoroughly first. A lot of that thinking focuses on why you’re bothering with all the hassle in the first place.

For Aquamarine, the reasoning behind the rebrand centred on a few points. After turning three years old back in June 2018 we started to feel like we may have outgrown our original branding. Aquamarine was growing quickly, both in staff numbers and the number and size of clients we were dealing with. We wanted our brand to reflect this.

We also wanted our new brand to reflect what it’s like to work at Aquamarine each day and capture a sense of why we enjoy our work and the creativity behind how we serve our clients. Our original brand was created when Aquamarine was a one-person agency based in sunny Teignmouth. We’re much more than that now.


A Totally New Look and Feel

You’ll be able to see just from looking around our site that this is a bit of a new direction for Aquamarine. The things that will probably strike you first is how bold and colourful it is. When you work in digital you understand how businesses need to be bold and stand out from the crowd to get noticed, so it’s important that we practise what we preach. It helps us get noticed and is exactly the message we want to send to our clients; be bold!

We want the work we do for our clients, and our clients themselves, to be bold, interesting and unforgettable. We want our brand and our website to send the same message. In today’s digital world, it pays to be bold.


Don’t Forget Your Roots

Whilst this is a bit of a new direction for us, we haven’t forgotten our history or where we have come from. Our new logo is designed around the idea of an origami boat, a reference to the seaside town where it all started – Teignmouth. Why origami? Because the work we do is complex, has many different parts, but creates something beautiful when it is finished.

The detectives amongst you might also have noticed that we have dropped ‘Media’ from our name as well. We’ll be going by just Aquamarine from now on. We believe our message should be clear and undiluted, so our name should be too.


Have Some Fun With it!

We’re loving life with our new brand. We think it really reflects us as a company and a group of people. It’s bold, it’s interesting, it’s colourful, it’s memorable, it’s all the things we aspire to be in our careers.

Our final message for you about our rebrand is simple; have some fun with it. This has been a central theme for us throughout this process and has had a significant effect on the final product. We think our brand is fun, we hope you do too. The website also has lots of fun bits on it as well. Try clicking around on the homepage for example and see what you can create… The rest you’ll have to discover for yourself.

We hope you enjoy getting to know this new version of us as much as we have.