Why You Should Focus on Quality Not Quantity

When it comes to social media too many companies make the mistake of either not posting enough, or practically bombarding their followers.

Although it may seem like your throwing yourself into social media, dumping a load of poor quality content on your followers isn’t going to get you anywhere. Over 81% of social media users follow a brand, which means that there is a massive audience for you to tap in to. Just make sure that you don’t annoy them!

What the Numbers Say

Research has found that 60% of people unfollow brands that constantly post about sales and promotions. Other reasons for unfollowing are: using slang/jargon (38.4%), lack of personality (34.7%), failing attempts at humour (32.3%), and unresponsiveness (24.7%).

The last thing you want is to make your target audience cringe by acting like you’re ‘down with the kids’. Do your research with social listening, focus groups, and market research to take note of how your audience communicates online.

Not Everyone's A Comedian 

Although everyone loves a good chuckle, injections of humour need to be carefully considered as comedy is very subjective. Many big brands have paid the price for insensitivity or bad taste for their poorly executed jokes on social media.

Who could forget the London Dungeon’s off colour Valentine’s day memes on Jack the Ripper? The ‘jokes’ provoked anger from the attraction’s followers, who called them ‘offensive’ and ‘irresponsible’.

Brand Building

Good quality, and well researched content makes a world of difference. It shows that your company is an expert in its field which builds trust with your target audience. If your content relates to their interests, they will be engaged in what you have to say. This buys them into the brand, establishing the brand voice and principles behind it, which should align with their own.

Ultimately people don’t want to feel like you’re just another company with a Twitter account, they want you to be a personification of the brand that excited them in the first place.

How Frequently Should You Be Posting?

Check out the stats below to see how often it's recommended that you post on each social media account, after this number of posts engagement decreases.

  • Facebook - 2 posts a day
  • Twitter - 3 tweets a day
  • Instagram - 1.5 times a day
  • LinkedIn - 1 post a day
  • Google+ - 3 times a day
  • Pinterest - 5 posts a day

(Stats: https://blog.bufferapp.com/how-often-post-social-media )

Need A Helping Hand With Your Social?

At Aquamarine we are social media specialists, get in touch  to find out more about how we can improve your social media presence.